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Chilling Technology Information

workplaceNegative Impacts of Technology in the Workplace

Technology may have brought us some freedom, but it has also chained us to our desks. According to the American Psychological Association, over 50% of Americans work over the weekend, outside the designated work hours, and even when they are sick. So, even though technology is supposed to help us work less, it has led to longer work hours.

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headachesFour Ways Tech Is Making Your Headaches Worse

Doctors haven't understood everything there is to know about migraines yet. So, they don't have an absolute cure for this crippling disease at the moment. However, they can treat symptoms and advise you to make a few important lifestyle changes, which will reduce the risks. Don't stare at digital screens all day long, for example.

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rsiRepetitive Strain Injury, a Debilitating Condition

RSI is common in people who spend the entire day in front of a monitor, using their hands to perform repetitive tasks such as typing on the keyboard, clicking mouse buttons, etc. Unfortunately, very few people are aware of this cumulative trauma disorder, which leads to muscle and tendon damage, and is triggered by repetitive or awkward hand movements.

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e-wasteEvaluating the Global Cost of Electronic Waste

Our digital devices are built to be thrown away, and this is a serious problem for both us and the environment. Major phone manufacturers sell hundreds of millions of devices each year, for example. And many of those phones will end their digital life in a dumpster within a few years. The waste can be reduced by repairing and reusing all those gadgets.

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emissionsImpact of IT on Energy Consumption and CO2 Emissions

Information and communication technologies have a strong impact on energy consumption and carbon footprints. Since the number of cell phones, security devices, Internet of Things gadgets, etc. is constantly growing, these components need more and more energy. So, the IT industry should use its know-how to devise strategies that will solve the problem.

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cyber bullyingInternet Use Leads to Opportunities for Bullies

You've gotta love the Internet! Due to its existence, we can communicate with other people, who may be located on the other side of the globe, without leaving the comfort of our homes. However, since the Internet makes people feel anonymous - though that's never the case - teenagers may be bullied by others, who utilize various platforms to harass them.

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tech vs humansThe War Between Technology and Human Beings

Scientists from 40 countries have repeatedly warned governments about 5G-related health risks. According to them, the next generation of mobile networks will substantially increase exposure to radio waves, and this has been proven to be harmful for us time and again. Yes, 5G promises impressive features, but several countries have decided to ban it.

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eyesThe Scary Effects of Technology on Our Eyes

According to Barnet Dulaney Perkins Eye Center, 97% of students own a computer, and over 40% of teachers make use of digital devices to teach them. Staring at a computer screen all day long will cause the "Computer Vision Syndrome", though. People who have it experience eyestrain, headaches, itchy eyes, double vision, sensitivity to light, and so on.

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poor postureTech Leads to Poor Posture and Spinal Development

Let's face it: the world would be a much worse place without technology. But lots of children and even young adults develop hunchbacks because they stare at their devices' screens all day long. Forward head translation puts an enormous pressure on spinal bones, nerves and muscles. To minimize the damage, hold your smartphone at eye level.

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sleepUsing Technology Before Bed Can Lead to Insomnia

It's a fact! If you feel tired all day long, you should blame yourself for spending way too much time with your gadgets before going to bed. Laptops, smartphones, video gaming consoles, etc. offer interactive experiences, which stimulate our brains. To recoup your sleep debt, be sure to turn off all the devices at least 30 minutes before hitting the hay.

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