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ai jobsHow Artificial Intelligence Will Take Our Jobs

What will the future hold for us? Max Tegmark, the author of "Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence", believes that AI won't become evil anytime soon. However, he thinks that engineers will soon be able to create applications and robots which will achieve human-level intelligence, and then take many of our jobs.

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self driving carsTop 3 Possible Dangers of Self-Driving Cars

Credible sources of information state that the future of transportation will involve lots of self-driving cars. So, it's no wonder that hundreds of companies want to take a slice of the pie. However, road accidents, vehicle hacking and malfunctions, as well as increased exposure to radiation are serious issues that should be taken into consideration.

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data sellingThe Risks of Having Personal Data Floating Around

Believe it or not, somebody or something is gathering, and then sharing some of your data right now. You may not be targeted by the NSA, but most of the websites that you are visiting each day use cookies to identify you, for example. And I guarantee that you have installed several mobile apps that know where you are and what you are doing.

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e-cigarettesAssessing the Risks of E-cigarettes for Young People

Did you know that e-cigarettes pose a significant health risk to young people? Lack of impulse control, mood disorders and nicotine addiction are just a few of the risks that arise from using these products at such a young age. The brain grows until we turn 25, and since addiction is a form of learning, young people will easily get addicted.

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selfie sticksPositive and Negative Aspects of the Selfie Stick

Yes, that brand new selfie stick you've just bought will allow you to take better pictures of yourself. It will also help you take better group pictures, and you can do all these things on your own, without having to hand over your smartphone to a stranger, who may run away with it. But aren't there any downsides? "Read More" to find out.

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emotional intelligenceTechnology Lowers Emotional Intelligence in Kids

Let's admit it: we have raised kids who relate much better to computer screens than to us, our parents. We have surrounded them with lots of devices that draw their attention away from the moment, making them insensitive to the world around them. Fortunately, we can fix the problem by embracing limits around technology usage as a family.

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obesityScreen Media Exposure and Obesity in Children

Did you know that obesity is one of the most common outcomes of screen media exposure? Several studies have demonstrated that teenagers who spent less time in front of their computers have managed to shed excess weight. Children tend to eat while watching movies, and most of them prefer high-calorie, low-nutrient foods and beverages.

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violenceSocial Media Related to Violence by Young People

Surprisingly, many of the teenagers who spend a few hours on social media each day tend to be more violent in real life. Apparently, even trivial disagreements can turn to violent confrontations within seconds when young people know that the Internet is watching, or when they intend to post pictures and/or movies of their disputes online.

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influencersInfluencers Give Bad Diet and Fitness Advice

Yeah, don't listen to them. A new study has demonstrated that about 90% of social media influencers provide inaccurate health-related information. Many so-called "influencers" in the health world give advice that can be potentially harmful, and since these people can often reach millions of people on social media, the damage can be considerable.

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relationshipHow Cellphone Use Can Disconnect Your Relationship

If you feel neglected when your partner is on the phone, you are not alone. According to a study from Brigham Young University, technoference (interruption in interpersonal communication caused by technology) damages relationships and impacts people's psychological health. Higher levels of technoference lead to conflicts and lower satisfaction.

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